Will Weaning Help my Baby's Reflux?
Weaning has long been suggested as ‘the’ magic cure for reflux for many babies. You’ve probably heard it from at least one well-meaning family member or a less-than-informed health visitor...
Will weaning help my baby's reflux?
The truth is if weaning your baby is not approached with the immaturity of their digestive system taken into consideration, introducing solids to your child can make reflux symptoms worse!
For that reason, it’s vital we are on the lookout for the common signs of discomfort when weaning and introducing food to a baby.
Here’s a look at what those signs are:
- Crying between spoonfuls
- Acting like they cannot get enough, especially when you think they have had loads
- Excessive excitement about food
- Excessive crying after a meal soothed only by milk
- Stretching their head or neck upwards
- Arching in their chair like they might be fighting against the straps
- Hiccoughs
- Rash
- Hives
- Wheezing
As you can see, signs 1-6 are signs that could be interpreted as “my baby loves their food”. However, in a baby who has reflux (i.e., a baby who is often unsettled and who has already been pinpointed as experiencing the symptoms of reflux), these signs are more often than not signs that a particular food is causing pain or discomfort.
If your baby has reflux, these symptoms can be a sign the oesophagus is raw from the acid regurgitating from the stomach. If this is the case, certain foods will cause further irritation and burning on raw skin.
What should I do if my baby shows signs of discomfort?
Any time you observe these behaviours, stop feeding that food immediately. Offer baby milk, as this often soothes the burning. Then, give your baby a day or so to recover and try a different food.
If your baby is suffering from any pain whatsoever when eating, do not force them to eat. This could cause a food aversion. Rather, take it slowly at this stage and be led by them.
Hiccoughs are a sign that your baby is eating too fast as they have gulped air. Hiccoughs are an effective way for the body to get rid of excess air. Slow things down or take a break so as not to increase discomfort later in the day.
If your baby is choking on their food regularly, there is something that needs addressing and causing this. Ensure you get immediate support as they should not choke (if your doctor doesn't help, a Baby Reflux Lady can help).
The World Health Organisation’s guidelines on weaning are that foods are introduced as a ‘complementary’ addition to milk, which means taking things slowly is always recommended. Let your baby have fun, explore new textures and new tastes, and learn how to start eating solids - it’s all new and exciting to them!
How can I help?
I have a number of options to help you. If you have started weaning and seen reflux flare, my online Solids Workshop is for you. If you are about to introduce solids but haven't started yet, let me help you from the very beginning with the Weaning Course.
For step-by-step support to ensure weaning your baby is as joyful as possible, it was developed to hold your hand as you approach this important milestone with your baby.
You’ll discover how to safely introduce foods causing minimum discomfort and exactly what to do if a certain food does impact your child’s reflux.
If you aren't sure whether your baby's reflux is diet-related or not, then the 'Reflux Free Baby' Workshop is the workshop for you.
I walk you through all the symptoms you need to observe and record for your baby, what they mean, and how to use them as clues. The course is suitable for both bottle-feeding and breastfed babies who are suffering from baby reflux.
I tell you what the clues mean individually and when they occur with other groups of symptoms.
And this leads us to be able to say what is causing each baby's reflux with much more confidence.
Based on this, I tell you what specific action to take for them.
-Áine x
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