Meet Áine Homer

Aine Homer the baby Reflux Lady smiling

Meet Áine Homer, The Baby Reflux Lady™:
mechanical engineer, turned reflux expert. Her journey was born from three challenging years of postnatal depression, and led to a mission to transform lives.

Seeking Answers About Reflux
Áine faced countless dismissals from medical professionals about her baby's reflux. She found her baby’s condition was labeled as "normal" or dismissed as “just colicky.”
Determind, Áine drew on her diverse professional background and training in Traditional Chinese Medicine, to seek answers beyond the usual channels.

Serving over 13,000 customers and training 127 professionals,
she aims to share her life-changing knowledge with as many parents as possible. The Baby Reflux Lady™ is Áine’s commitment to liberating millions of babies and parents globally from the misery of reflux.


If you’re anything like the tens of thousands of other parents I have supported:

  • You refuse to believe that there is anything normal about their ongoing struggles.
  • You won’t accept that there is nothing to do for your baby except wait it out or medicate, and you're really unsure about the medications too.

I'm sorry that you're little one continues to struggle, and I'm so happy that you've found me.

After supporting 13,000 + parents globally and having trained over 100 professionals (including paediatricians, IBCLC's and dieticians), I am confident I have the answers you've been looking for.

My Mission

The knowledge I have acquired about baby reflux is quite literally life-changing.

And so I have plans to share it as much as possible so that the millions of babies around the world who struggle with reflux on a daily basis can be free from it sooner. 

The Reflux-Free Approach

This approach to baby reflux also covers silent reflux, colic and food allergies and intolerances. You see, all of these “conditions” present with overlapping symptoms, and when you know what you’re looking for, you can start to see nuances in the groups of symptoms that present with each.

The approach I take is one where the process of getting the answer is the same for every child, and the answer and action can be different - just like the process of going on a journey is the same no matter where you are going, the directions and turns you take along the way are different. For every journey we need to know where we are, where we want to go, then plan the course and take the right turns at the right time to get to the place we want to go.

Getting to a Reflux-Free Baby is the very same. So think of me as your Baby Sat Nav. I’m your GPs, I can tell you where you are starting, I can plot your route, and I can give you directions along the way. And just like your sat nav doesn’t drive your car, you, must be the one to do take the actions for your baby. And in working together we can get your baby happy and comfortable in their own body as quickly as possible.

What I discovered is that there are...


My academic background

Certificate in Quantum Flow 

Quantum Flow Academy & Juan Pablo Barahona, Costa Rica

Nov 2020

Diploma In Nutrition For Food Allergies And Intolerances

BSY, London, England

June 2019

Licentiate In Acupuncture And Traditional Chinese Medicine

The School Of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Ireland

June 2012

Masters in Business Administration

Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh, Scotland

June 2008

Masters In Mechanical & Manufacturing Engineering

Trinity College Dublin, Ireland

June 2003

Degree In Mathematics

Trinity College Dublin, Ireland

June 2003

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