How the Baby Reflux Lady Helped Me To Stop My Baby's Pain: Holly's Story

How to stop your baby's reflux


When you're looking for answers to your baby's reflux, it can be hard to imagine how you'll ever get from where you are to the point where you're living a reflux-free life...

Will your baby's reflux EVER go away?

How can you stop your baby's reflux?

It might not feel like it, but I promise there is a light at the end of the tunnel.

Here, Holly Ellis shares her experience after purchasing The Baby Reflux Lady's Survival Guide.


Holly's Story

"Your book absolutely saved us. At the time, my son and I were in a desperate situation. Every time I fed him, we were both in tears. He was screaming and pulling off, and I was so upset that something was causing him so much pain.

After researching online for some answers, I came across your book and all its amazing reviews and bought it instantly.

I couldn’t believe that he was showing so many symptoms that you listed in your book and that they were all related!

Finally – it was starting to make sense. I felt like I could have written that symptom list myself.

Thanks to your elimination diet and food diary, I worked out the triggers.

I couldn’t believe that I finally had a happy baby that was feeding without pain, and I could finally breastfeed the way I imagined, and I absolutely loved it.

I recommended your book to a couple of women in my breastfeeding group, too. Thank you once again because, after numerous visits from breastfeeding consultants and doctor appointments and health visitor discussions, it was your book that gave me hope and resulted in a very happy mother and baby team."


Find out more about The Baby Reflux Lady's Survival Guide now >


How else can I help put a stop to your baby's reflux?

So there you have it; the answer is yes, your baby's reflux can go away.

In the Reflux-Free Framework, I walk you through all the symptoms you need to observe and record for your baby, what they mean, and how to use them as clues.

The course is suitable for both bottle-feeding and breastfed babies who are suffering from baby reflux.

I tell you what the clues mean individually and when they occur with other groups of symptoms. 

And this leads us to be able to say what is causing each baby's reflux with much more confidence. 

Based on this, I tell you what specific action to take for them.

To get your baby free from their reflux as quickly as possible, sign up now. You will have your answer within an hour.

If you're on the fence, start with our Free Symptoms Tracker. Document just how many behaviours and symptoms are directly related to your baby's reflux and how much discomfort you can expect to resolve by addressing the root cause of their reflux. Download your free symptoms tracker using the box below.


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