The world's first and only training course providing postnatal professionals with a complete holistic understanding of colic & reflux.

Millions of babies around the world are struggling right now... 

Parents are pulling their hair out, desperate for answers that help their babies.

Doing their best not to medicate. 

Screaming on the inside because it feels like no-one is listening to them.

Babies are being left in endless pain and suffering without explanations, other than "it's normal". 

Children and toddlers are at greater risk of developmental delays, sleep apnoea, and even SIDS because of the general lack of understanding about reflux, its causes and the implications for not resolving it at the root cause.

Families are no longer happy places to be with extreme levels of stress, due to the simple lack of explanations and answers.

The reality for too many babies and parents is bleak.

The doctors don't have the answers.

Science doesn't have the answers... Or does it?

I've dedicated the last 8+ years to finding the answers to reflux discomfort so many families need, because it turns out science does have the answers!

We know infant health creates a solid foundation for a lifetime of good health. Yet, many babies are being let down... 

Imagine being able to contribute to infant health in a way that NO doctor, health visitor or paediatrician does, because they simply do not have the training (and scientific insight behind them) to look at infant reflux as anything other than a pharmacological issue that requires chemical alteration to 'fix'!

Infant reflux isn't normal - and it doesn't have to be something families suffer on with endlessly.

The Certificate in Baby Reflux' was created to equip and empower other professionals with the knowledge and answers they know in their gut must be out there. 

I'm so glad you've found me. Families desperately need YOU!

 You find yourself frustrated by the lack of support for your clients

You know there must be a better way (although you may not know what it is just yet)

⭐ You firmly believe in addressing problems at the root cause to resolve them completely

⭐ You believe in the power of knowledge & honesty so parents can make informed decisions for their children

⭐ You long for the tools to help parents resolve reflux quickly although you know it doesn't happen overnight

⭐ You know that the doctors don't have all the answers nor are they going to acquire them anytime soon...

⭐ You're ready to support families in away few other professionals can boosting your business in the process

⭐ You're ready to help resolve infant reflux for families with lasting results 

The Causes of Infant Reflux 

There are over 30 different issues, conditions, genetics and events that can contribute to or cause infant reflux.

Imagine being able to... explain to an exhausted mum (who feels like she's tried everything!) that what she hasn’t done is addressed the underlying cause - and that YOU can show her how.

Reading the Symptoms

As a certified Baby Reflux Lady you are trained to look at over 80 different symptoms, behaviours and events to be able to figure out what is the specific cause for each baby.

Imagine how it would feel to... support all babies, everywhere, because you have the skills to understand their unique pattern of reflux, to explain your findings to parents and give them the gift of having a reflux free life?

Food & Formula Choices

Too many mums are wrongly advised to switch to formula because mums breastmilk is causing baby’s reflux. 

Not only are the myriad of formula options confusing, very often the milks that are recommended make baby worse, not better.

Imagine being able to... advice parents correctly, and support both breast and bottle fed babies equally, advising on appropriate choices 

Resolving Reflux

Imagine being able to explain exactly what is going on for your clients' babies.

Imagine not having to send struggling parents elsewhere again – no more being heartbroken and helpless when it comes to baby reflux, uncertain if each family will get the support they really need.

Imagine having the exact knowledge and the right tools to... pinpoint the underlying cause of baby reflux for each child and regularly come up with a tailor-made solutions, that work.

Business Growth

It is vital that you feel equipped to bring your new knowledge to the world and to be able to change lives. You will become the expert in your business, and what it means to combine your skills, to speak with your own unique voice and to attract your dreamboat clients with ease and grace - so you can have a thriving business while also changing the world!

Imagine growing a successful business that... changes lives, brings you greater fulfilment and helps on the mission towards a reflux-free world. I'm here to support you!

How would it feel to be able to give parents solid research-based advice they can finally trust? And to be the first professional to leave them feeling heard?

Apply to join now >


The world's first and only training course dedicated to supporting infants and families around the world through complete holistic understanding and support of colic and reflux.

With this course, not only will you revolutionise the way you approach baby reflux, you'll become a certified 'Baby Reflux Lady' able to expand your postnatal business and serve more clients!

Developed to educate you step-by-step to become a baby reflux specialist. Here's what we'll look at:

Understanding the Causes of Reflux

Reflux happens in the digestive system. However, all current approaches to supporting infants with reflux fail to understand the physiological development of this - the most fundamental aspect of understanding not only reflux, but colic and all the associated food allergies and intolerances.

By first understanding how reflux happens in the body (and why it is a symptom and not a disease in it's own right) we lay the foundation of being able to truly provide individualised solutions that address the issues of reflux and colic in babies.

Until now, the world has been making the mistake that infant reflux is the same as that in adults. It is not.

Understanding the Symptoms of Reflux

Every baby is telling us everything we need to know to help them. Their behaviours, their symptoms and their history (including in-utero) are clues - they have all played an important role in how baby is experiencing life today. The presentation of reflux in every child is different because of this  myriad of symptoms and causes.

As a certified Baby Reflux Lady you will have the skills to critically analyse everything that is going on for every baby, as a unique case, and provide specific guidance based on their presentation of reflux.

Resolving Reflux

The most important part of our job is to be able to provide tailor-made guidance to help each and every baby we support.

From supporting babies with insufficient oral function, to identifying top level digestive issues, being able to guide mums on feeding positions (irrespective of breast or bottle feeding) which will support the reduction of reflux, you will have the skills to change lives!

The Certificate is an online course supported with
8 x weekly live classes with your mentors Cheryl Maddison and Áine Homer. Everything you'll learn is designed to ensure you can confidently support your clients with evidence based knowledge.

The training is structured into online modules. At the end of each, there is a multiple choice assessment to take. 

Our  live classes will support your learning and ensure you have a deep understanding of each week's content. 

The total time required to complete this course averages at 4-6 hours per week for 12 weeks, however learning pace varies from person to person.

Here's a look at each module...

Module 1: Reflux

  • What is Reflux
  • Why Reflux Happens
  • How Reflux is Diagnosed
  • Critical Reflux Red Flags
  • How to Start Supporting Your Clients IMMEDIATELY

Module 2: Explaining Reflux Symptoms

  • The Physiology of the Infant Head & Mouth
  • Common Causes 1: Aerophagia
  • Recognising Symptom Patterns & Resolutions (1)
  • Understanding Tongue Function
  • Other Oral Ties

Nutrition for Newborns & Infants

  • Understanding Infant Digestive Physiology
  • Baby Digestion Simplified
  • Recognising Allergies & Intolerances
  • Recognising Symptom Patterns & Resolutions (2)
  • Supporting Clients in Milk Choices

Module 4: Living with Reflux

  • Babies Experience of Reflux
  • Validating Parent's Experience
  • Baby Reflux Myth Busting
  • General Support Strategies
  • Feeding Support Strategies (Breast & Bottle)

Module 5: Understanding Medications

  • What Medications Are Used for Reflux and Why?
  • The Side Effects of Medication
  • How Effective are the Medications?
    When Is Medication the Right
  • Answer?
  • Medical Tests for Reflux

Module 6: Xtra Support

  • Bringing it All Together
  • Building a Business Around Reflux
  • Ethics of Treating Babies with Reflux
  • Miscellaneous & General Reflux Inforation
  • Case Studies Webinar

Ongoing Assessment 

The best way to learn is by putting knowledge into practice. Throughout the course you will present case studies in class for discussion about approach, gathering information from parents and assessing how this fits the big picture. You will be required to work with both breast-fed and formula fed babies, and those not yet on solids and some on solids already.


Final Assessment

To ensure that you are fully capable of working with babies from all walks of life, the final assessment requires 2 case studies with results to be submitted for your final assessment including your recommendations and results. 

Apply to join now >

A 3-month 'Baby Reflux Lady Network' Membership

I know it's vital for you to have a profitable business as well as one that makes a positive impact in the world.

I spent 14 years in the corporate world, was a management consultant and have been self-employed or in my limited company since 2012 - so I've been around the block in growing this business. Now, I am here to support YOU. 

I've been there, I've bought the t-shirt, the sweater and the novelty pen that runs out after an hour! And I've fallen into the pitfalls like many other.

I want to make sure I can support you to GROW your business, to attract your perfect clients and to earn you the income that supports the life you want to lead.

Your success is fundamental to helping me realise my mission - to create a world where no family struggles with reflux for more than 6 weeks. 

With over 2 million babies experiencing reflux on an annual basis, this is a big goal, and I cannot do it on my own!

To support your business growth, I host the Baby Reflux Lady Network, which includes:

⭐ Weekly Q&A Thread with Áine to access additional support for your clients

⭐ Private Facebook group for Certified Baby Reflux Ladies to ask for support with clients

⭐ Social Media Graduation celebration

⭐ Listing on the Baby Reflux Lady practitioner page

⭐ Permission to call yourself a ‘Baby Reflux Lady’ and use the brand logo

⭐ An invitation to publish blogs on The Baby Reflux Lady

⭐ Access to client data capture software

⭐ Ongoing affiliate rate of 50% for courses - your own person passive income stream!

On graduation, you get access to this for 3 months free of charge.


A Ready-to-go Passive Income Stream

When you work for yourself, it's difficult to see how you can have the time to support all client, everywhere. If you do the numbers, even supporting 1/2 of the babies struggling with reflux in your locality could be overwhelming.

This is where online courses are a brilliant resource. Yet, finding the time to create online content, learning how to host them, investing in the software and then editing everything to get them up and ready to run - it's another huge task.

I have done the hard work for you. It's taken me 3 years to create the courses I offer online to parents, and as a student, you get the opportunity to start helping families immediate with a 50% affiliate income from the courses I have created for you.

Apply to join now >

Graduates of this course will be the central 'Totem Pole of Knowledge' for their village, town, city and online communities, and so we must be equipped to support parents as much as we can.

In some instances, it will be 100% you who provides the support. In other instances, you'll want to know who to point to and be able to support your clients in having informed conversations. 

I've have brought together some of the most incredible forward thinkers when it comes to infant and maternal wellbeing - they lead or teach specific elements where they know more than I do! This will make all the difference to your knowledge too.

Brittny Sciarra


As an orofacial myologist and healthcare professional, Brittny takes a passionate and optimistic approach in preventing and treating the causes of orofacial myofunctional disorders - getting to the root of the problem, instead of merely treating the symptoms.

She teaches a class on the importance of nose breathing versus mouth breathing, including how we can identify and support babies & children with issues from an early age, to provide a better quality of life overall.

Alexandra Heath


When working with parents who have been repeatedly told that there is no explanation for their child's suffering, and yet they live in a constant state of survival, we must be vigilant for the signs of postnatal depression and trauma.

Alexandra teaches a class on recognising the signs and symptoms of trauma and postnatal depression in mums so that we are better able to support our clients at their most vulnerable time.

Jennie Harrison


An Energy Healer & Teacher and Transformation Coach, Jennie has been working with mums and their children helping them to heal their difficult and traumatic experiences for nearly 9 years.

She talks to us about how trauma and stress from pregnancy can be causative factors in reflux and digestive upset, so that we can better understand our clients. 

Mallory Millet


A Speech & Language Pathologist by trade Mallory is also an Infant Feeding Specialist. She found her passion working with moms who have babies with feeding issues ranging from oral motor development, reflux, bottle choice, positioning, schedules etc.

She brings us techniques that we can use to support the overall oral function and health of young babies and toddlers to make sure they have the coordination and muscle strength to use their body correctly.

Anna Le Grange


As a registered nurse and IBCLC, Anna brings two classes, one on the basics of breastfeeding babies with reflux and the second, and arguably more important class, on bottle feeding.

There is so little support for bottle feeding available, it's assumed that parents know how to bottle feed. However, there are important strategies and techniques to understand that could be the difference between reflux and none, and so it's vital that we understand these too.

Shelly Wilson


A midwife and IBCLC, as well as baby massage and yoga teacher, Shelly brings us a class on techniques to manage milk supply. 

It isn't always about the right foods, sometimes it is about the right position and the understanding of baby's cues that are more important. Shelly's class gives us all the basics to support mums in their breastfeeding journey and to know when, and what advice to seek, from an IBCLC.

Carly Budd


A paediatric occupational therapist, baby massage & baby yoga teacher and the founder of the Carly Budd Developmental Play Academy®, Carly brings us a fabulous class on Tummy Time so that we can support parents and babies with physical development play that will provide them with benefits for their reflux too.

Parents with babies who have reflux and digestive issues frequently skip tummy time because they fear that it can make things worse - Carly shows us how that doesn't have to be the case.

Karen Bramell


Infant and Child Sleep Consultant Karen Bramall has been working with families to solve their children’s sleep problems for over a decade. 

Baby Sleep the Night was formed, after extensive research led her to solve her own children’s sleep difficulties and the transformation that it made to her whole family inspired her to be truly passionate about sleep.

Karen teaches a class on the basics of infant sleep, a foundation for those who are not sleep consultants.

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 The course has really strengthened my breastfeeding practice and has enhanced the care I’m able to give families who’s baby is struggling with reflux. I would recommend Áine’s course to anyone who works with new families.

- Anna Le Grange, RN, IBCLC

 I loved it! The course was very informative, clear, well-structured and enjoyable. I learned so much and have already identified reflux/allergy signs in babies of multiple clients. I wouldn't have picked this up before doing this course.

- Louise Morelli, Sleep Consultant

Between my two girls we had it all...

Official diagnoses of colic, reflux, silent reflux, tongue tie, cows milk protein allergy, nut allergy, sulphite allergy and multiple other food intolerances to boot!

The allergist I paid £400 for a private consultation told me I "needn't bother my pretty little head about it"... He told me my daughter was safe with all foods.

Turns out she had a mild nut allergy which allowed inflammation to build up in her system over 2 years so that she eventually got to a stage that she couldn't breathe at night due to airway restrictions.

My Traditional Chinese Medicine training (and my engineering and project management background!) firmly ingrained the drive to always seek the root cause of every problem, because there lies the best solution. And it's true.

When I applied what I knew to my own children, I discovered a whole new set of causes that were never mentioned, that were contributing to my children's suffering.

I discovered that the foods I was eating while breastfeeding were having a phenomenal impact, and I figured out why.

I discovered why my kids had food intolerances that nothing else could explain and how to support them best.

I discovered mechanical causes of reflux and how to address them at the root cause.

With clients, I discovered the causative link between gastric acid suppression medication and sudden new and inexplicable allergies in their children, and figured out how to resolve it safely.

I have a passion for health.

I believe in the need to raise a healthier generation of people than the culture of chronic disease that is growing.

I believe we need to support children to grow up to be their healthiest selves as adults, allowing them to be free from behavioural and physical illnesses, by identifying and addressing the root causes as early as possible.

Early intervention is always the best intervention.

And my clients love this approach because it literally changes their lives!

This course is more than just the basics! You'll get all this to help you become a baby reflux specialist who will stand out:

Course Foundations

Access to the online content and learning, as well as hours of past students Q&A calls to enhance your learning.

Value £2,500

8 Weekly Calls

8 x live weekly learning calls with Áine to make sure you fully understand the concepts being presented and can integrate them to your learning.

Value £2,400

Guest Experts

A fantastic range of additional experts contributing their knowledge to make sure you have the confidence you need to support your clients.

Value £1,600

BRL Membership

3 months membership to the Baby Reflux Lady Network, giving you a listing on our practitioner page, monthly group coaching with Áine, monthly guest business and wellness coaches, access to your own passive income stream and more.

Value £2,250

Online Business Setup

An online course walking you through the basics to get your business established online. Reflux is a global challenge, and thanks to social media we can all serve the world. Learn the basics to put in place to get started and find clients from around the world without leaving your home.

Value £333

Are you ready to add a new level to your business and bring families much needed relief from baby reflux and its underlying causes?

Apply for your place on the next round of The Certificate in Baby Reflux. PLACES ARE LIMITED.


If this all sounds incredible (like the stuff you've been WAITING for to change the lives of the clients you support) submit your application and book a call to discuss if this course is the perfect match for you! Spaces are limited so it's important we check we're the right fit for each other.


Investment Options

If you know you want in, then get your application in as soon as possible to reserve your spot! 

The course investment options are:

Pay in Full: £2,999 + VAT
6 monthly instalments: £555 + VAT
12 monthly instalments: £333 + VAT

Pay in 12 Instalments

Have any questions?

If you're unsure that this is right for you, get in touch to explore if this is the right fit and the right time...


Have questions? You'll get a chance to discuss these on your call! 

If you keep scrolling you'll also find our FAQs.

Nervous about investing?

I get it! Which is why I offer a Money Back Guarantee…

I'm committed to getting the best results for my students. I consistently attract high quality, committed students who sign-up because they are ready to: do the work, be open-minded to the research that is available, learn how to interpret this correctly, and to constantly apply what they learn on an individual basis for each and every family they work with.

If this is you, then this course will be the perfect fit!

To show you how much I care, I include a full 30-day money back guarantee, so that when you enrol you have the added security of knowing that if you feel this course is not what you expect, then you can get a 100% money back, no quibbles.

To make this fair to all concerned, the terms and conditions clearly set out that this guarantee is only applicable if you personally have showed up, completed 100% of the coursework, attended 90% of the live calls (or replays) to that point.

If you meet this level of commitment on your part, then my money back guarantee gives you peace of mind that you will be entitled to a refund if you are not satisfied.

This is how confident I am that when you learn from me, and implement what you learn, you WILL get results for your clients.

Your success is my highest priority. With that partnership in mind, enrol intentionally and with full security.

Oh Go On Then! Let me apply>>>
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